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[消息] 金賢重 - 與鄭龍華將共同主持MBC新節目"Sunday Night"

091123 金賢重 - 與鄭龍華將共同主持MBC新節目"Sunday Night"

fr:韓網Newsen 英譯:韓社 中:SS501金賢重吧
SS501 Kim Hyun Joong and newcomer talent Jung YoungHwa have been chosen as the new MCs for MBC ‘Sunday Night’.

Kim PD said during a press conference on 23rd November, “Kim HyunJoong and Jung YoungHwa will be for the new corner on ‘Sunday Night’ called ‘Korea Ecosystem Rescue Centre, Hunters’ to be aired on 6th December.”

This will be a corner where celebrity MCs will go out to capture wild boars. The PD added, “Even right now, the MCs are working hard with the qualified professionals capturing the wilde boars in KyeongSan IlRyeong. Every week, the 7 MCs will get training for about 2D1N and go out to hunt for the wild boars. This week it will be IlRyeong, and next week it will be in AhnDong.”

The PD added, “There are about 170 thousand wild boars in our country, the population has increased 4x than before. If the government do not do something to control the population, it can pose as harm to the ecosystem in our country. We want to bring awareness about the ecosystem in our country and also bring down the population of wild boars through this show. The captured wild boars will either be given to nursing homes or given to the less fortunate to be eaten.”

The other MCs on the show are Hwang JungEum, Jung GaEun, Han JiMin and Han HyoJoo etc.

鄭龍華與金賢重被選中當MBC"Sunday Night"一個新環節的主持,介紹韓國生態保育。



賢重啊! 請把注意力放在野豬上啊
其他四位女生就 婀 不用太專心 哈哈

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