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[分享] 金賢重 - 6/4 KBS Music Back音樂銀行 錄製現場 後記

100604 賢重 - 6/4 KBS Music Back音樂銀行 錄製現場 後記


這是針對賢重部分的,嗚~ 好心疼他
劇烈的動作似乎 還會對未完全康復的身體造成負擔 > <
Credit: bb (
譯: 茉茉mo@ 賢重吧
Repost with full credit, thanks!

The 1st run had finished. 第一輪已經結束
The boys were in the same outfits as in the MV, live orchestra with chandelier.
Damn nice! 男人們穿的是MV中的那套服裝。

Leader looks great! 金賢重看起來很好
Hair tied up in some sort of french twist? bb: very, very, very nice.keke..頭髮紮起來了,有一些法國捻。
thier jacket give glimpses of skin front (deep V) when they dance. 他們的外套深V,舞動的時候能從前面看到一些肌膚。
Damn sexy. 要命的的性感#RM#

2nd run starting now. 第二輪開始了。
All 5 are so fine looking! All danced great too! 5個人都太漂亮了。舞蹈也很好。
Love the gas mask breathing part before leader's solo! 非常喜歡金賢重Solo前,那個毒氣面具,呼吸的的那部分。
Now fixing hair, makeup again before 3rd run. 整理頭髮,補妝, 準備第三輪

Leader damn cute! He's practising dance whilst the other boys are beginning fixed up by Cody noona.
Now starting 3rd run. 金賢重太可愛了。 Cody姐給其他幾隻整理的時候,他就在那裡練習舞步。
Very good! 3rd run last one! 非常棒, 第三輪是最後一個。
Got fireworks! 還有煙火!

Think leader in abit of pain. 覺得金賢重有點疼了。
He held to his tummy area brieflky during 3rd run. 第三輪的時候快速的摸了下腹部。
Then after the 3rd run, many people went up to him. 於是,第三輪結束的時候,很多人都走向他。
Even Young Saeng went over. 永生也過去了。
Aigoo, heartpain. 天啊, 心疼

The back of his jacket was bare earlier.先前那件是後面透視的。
Now added 2 black straps in inverted V (like peace sign?)現在加上了兩條帶子, V字狀。
Now 4th run starting. 第四輪開始了。

4th run finished.第四輪結束了。

Boys are panting, very tired from the dancing。
Staff are fanning them whilst retouching makeup and hair.
Even the orchestra gals are tired, sitting on the steps.

5th run 第五輪了。

Now just doing leader's dance break solo part.
He's in pain! 現在就是金賢重的SOLO部分。他一定很疼。
Solo part 3rd take, just now 2 rounds of NG. SOLO,第三次拍攝了。剛才都是兩次就好了。
Everytime NG, he has to start over.每次NG, 他都得從頭開始。
Finished. 結束了。
Heard that the 2nd song Let Me Be The One will be recorded later.聽說第二首歌, Let me be the one, 晚點再錄製

1 意見:

Mon 提到...

無論如何,5人都做得很好的,這樣的精神記得嘉許 (拍爛手掌的Mon)
期待期待期待 ^^


- 謝謝你的留言,對我也是一種鼓勵

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