100216 金賢重 - 送禮物給病中的泰國粉絲
之前過信的內容 被觸動的還不多 看過就沒多想了
但今天看到這份報導 才整個被感動到
偶像和粉絲之間的那份感情!! 不是旁人可以懂得
泰國有為喜歡賢重的TS 'Nan' ,他一直很期待SS501的演唱會
他的好朋友決定寫一封信給賢重 賢重得知後,也回了一封慰問信,還寄了禮物送給她
賢重回給Nan信的內容 -Here
想知道更多詳情 可去Wendy bolg(Nan的好友)
英語圈韓流演藝情報網 Soompi 14日有一篇文章 「泰國發生的奇蹟 "吸引了眾人的目光。
但是結果不如人意,一直住在醫院 。
據網友傳 「因為警衛戒備很嚴沒有成功把信直接送到,
這封信或許是圭鐘轉交給賢重的」 .
這位粉絲很高興地說 「真是奇蹟」 .
「因為演唱會日程雖然我不能去看你,等演唱會結束一定會將演唱會錄像送給你 」,
「再一次確認了SS501善良的心 . 很感動 」,
「真心為粉絲的歌手 」, 「很自豪成為賢重的粉絲 」.
「很慶幸泰國粉絲的病情能夠傳到賢重這裡 . 希望能夠早日痊癒 」
「我們和賢重一樣希望泰國粉絲早日康復 」
下面是 Soompi的文章
Dear TS all around the world,
The miracle just happened in Thailand.
As you know about Nan』s story, we try to send the letter in all ways but his schedule very changed.
Anyway, in stamp room all fan not permit to bring every things to the boy (I don't have the Photo book)
but my plan is tell someone to send the letter to KHL or SS501.
I printed the 20 letters for my plan but on the time we bring those to reporter (But the boy cancelled reporter)
I hide only one for my plan and send to someone who will go to the room
and she just want me to take care her girl between she in the room
(the litle girl name's Preem, she is very naughty and we ran very much for see them before SS501 go to the room)
Anyway, Preem's mother hide the letter and put it in front of Kyu sii (her favorite)
and give her ring in his hand (Wow) before his securities take her off.
I just hope Kyu sii will read the letter and send it for Joong.
I think only him or Minnie-Sii have a chance to tell Joong about the story that you known very difficult to closely KHL.
But the miracle happened!!!!!!!!
Yesterday before concert My friend received call from SS501 translator to tell about Nan's.
She said the boy just got the letter last night and they worry about Nan
(don't sure that from Preem's Mother but I think yes because she said don't sure it is right message).
How is she? Today Nan can go to see concert? How about her father?
Between taking my friend hear Korea language from the boys tell the question by themselves
(I very excite because my friend said their sound seem worry)
When known story, we were crying and dance in front of Hall.
After they check Nan's story is real
(hospital Name and everything about Nan that she tell)
SS501's Manager go to hospital in afternoon and give the KHL's stuff to Nan.
He said KHL got a Message and he can't go with himself because he will go to concert
and will go to Japan after that but today he send the stuff which he chosen by himself.
This is hiss』s message to Nan and her father as following.
His cousin ever sick like Nan and he known how feeling.
Pls be strong and tonight though Nan can't go to see him
but he will try the best and will send DVD's concert to Nan after that.
Pls share this news to your friend that he and his Bro so sweet
and the boy who we like he is the real angle including his baby boy (Kyu Sii, Minnie Sii, Sanggie Sii and Baby Jun)
they are the good boy I never think the Idol will have a nice like that but SS501 is best one.
Pls support them forever like us will love them forever.
Additional, in concert the boy very cute and like an angle and Jong Min Sii very nice when he sang Thai Song.
I have a clip and will share for you soon
And everyone who go to see me before concert at 3 Kim café Thailand that I appreciated is and hope my home
(Thailand) give a good memory to you. Slow Falling nice to see you, you is a nice girl my friend like you too
Thank you for Joong's heart, SS501's heart, and Triple S's heart.
Thank god who give the miracle to us.
本站休息中,感謝大家之前對本站的支持,雖然因為課業繁忙而無法繼續為大家提供資訊和分享,但版主的心會一直支持SS501的 : )
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